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JPW Mini Monitor and Passive Sub [used]

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JPW Mini Monitor and Passive Sub [used] Empty JPW Mini Monitor and Passive Sub [used]

Post by matlap Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:44 pm

Mini Monitor
14mm audax tweeter, 135 mm bass unit
87db/w/1m 6ohms , 70w
Shockingly musical,similar to Linn Kan speakers.Sealed Enclosure type - easy positioning.
Richard Dunn (NVA) likes using JPWs with his amp.
If you are looking for a vintage little speaker for a small room with a fast, clean and detailed sound, these JPWs will be the key.

Paired with one unit JPW Passive Sub to complete the low range slam.
80w x 2 power handling
95db/w/1m - 12ohms

Made in England
Rare unit - ultra rare combination.
Direct call/sms-self pick up -not for fussy.
Asking for rm680JPW Mini Monitor and Passive Sub [used] P1090216JPW Mini Monitor and Passive Sub [used] P1090217JPW Mini Monitor and Passive Sub [used] P1090218
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 378
Age : 50
Location : kl
Registration date : 2009-10-19

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