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Walker Audio Talisman new

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Walker Audio Talisman new Empty Walker Audio Talisman new

Post by tcaw65 Sat Dec 15, 2012 5:33 pm

Walker Audio Talisman new Img_0316

Magnetic fields and static electricity can greatly affect audio and video playback equipment and source material. The Talisman allows your phono cartridge or laser reader to transmit a purer, more accurate signal.

Use the Talisman to treat LPs, CDs, SACDs, DVDs, HD-DVDs, and Blu Ray discs, as well as treating your audio and video cables in place!

Newest Application: Speaker Drivers

We recently began treating speakers with the Talisman with great results. Others are experiencing success too. One customer said, “Ever since you called we have been trying the Talisman on speakers, even a pair of Martin-Logan Spires on down to a pair of inexpensive bookshelves – works every time.”

Distortion will be lowered and the sound will be more realistic. The soundstage will open up with improved depth and transparency. You will get more information without glare or harshness. Dynamics will improve and the harmonics will sound more natural. With video, you will get improved colors, focus and depth of image.

The Talisman requires no batteries or power cords and never needs recharging.

Condition : 10/10 New

Price : RM680.00 each

Location : Kuala Lumpur

Contact : 019 268 2559 Aw


Number of posts : 95
Age : 53
Location : kuala lumpur
Registration date : 2011-04-09

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