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Velodyne subwoofer CT 80 - 8"

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Velodyne subwoofer CT 80 - 8" Empty Velodyne subwoofer CT 80 - 8"

Post by providenceprops Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:17 pm

Hi I'm selling this unit because it's not suitable for my living room. It'll play very well in a smaller room or setup, but with my projector and all it just can't match. It's working perfectly but the box exterior looks dull with the age. 

I'm looking at RM899 nett which I think is a very very fair price. Please call Wang, 012 3344 019. Thanks. Deal in PJ COD.


Number of posts : 94
Age : 47
Location : PJ
Registration date : 2015-09-08

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