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Denon UD-M30 + Denon SC-M50 (Sold)

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Denon UD-M30 + Denon SC-M50 (Sold) Empty Denon UD-M30 + Denon SC-M50 (Sold)

Post by zey Tue Jan 09, 2018 10:54 am

1. Denon UD-M30 (Receiver Amplifier)
2. Denon SC-M50 (Speakers)
3. Speaker Cables

Price: SOLD

1. Denon UD-M30: 6/10 (CD player is not working, the rest all functioning well. Original remote control in good condition is included too. Overall 8/10 cosmetically)
2. Denon SC-M50: 8/10 (No dents, no scratches, no damaged drivers)

Contact: Zey (WhatsApp - 012-3798137)
COD Location: Bandar Utama

Package Summary: This is a set which is well taken care of, except that the CD player has decided to stop working. Nevertheless, there are 2 X analog inputs on the receiver amplifier, you can either use phono-to-RCA cable to connect your mobile phone's headphone jack, or use RCA cable to connect to sources like TV, media player, IPTV, etc...

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Denon UD-M30 + Denon SC-M50 (Sold) 20180121

Denon UD-M30 + Denon SC-M50 (Sold) 20180120
Denon UD-M30 + Denon SC-M50 (Sold) 20180109_102659

Denon UD-M30 + Denon SC-M50 (Sold) 20180109_102712

Denon UD-M30 + Denon SC-M50 (Sold) 20180109_102825

Denon UD-M30 + Denon SC-M50 (Sold) 20180109_102859


Denon UD-M30
Review: http://www.kenrockwell.com/audio/denon/ud-m30.htm

Denon SC-M50

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