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Fyne Audio F501 - WhatHiFi 5-star

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Fyne Audio F501 - WhatHiFi 5-star Empty Fyne Audio F501 - WhatHiFi 5-star

Post by Charles B&W TEG Wed Jun 24, 2020 1:25 pm

Dear hi-fi enthusiast,

The award winning F501 is the smaller of the two floorstanding loudspeakers in the F500 series but capable of delivering low bass and effortless dynamics from a compact, small footprint cabinet.

"It’s obviously a bold move to launch a loudspeaker into the sort of competition the F501s are going to face - but then it’s equal obvious Fyne Audio has no problem with acting boldly. The F501s are an extremely confident calling-card." -WhatHiFi 5-Star Award



Fyne Audio F501 - WhatHiFi 5-star F50110

Visit our Showroom at Lot S-207, 2nd Floor, The Gardens Mall to immerse yourself with our range of premium products from 11am to 7pm during RMCO (Recovery Movement Control Order). Please call us at 0126462738 to order or make an appointment.

Charles B&W TEG
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 331
Age : 33
Location : Kuala Lumpur
Registration date : 2019-01-25

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Fyne Audio F501 - WhatHiFi 5-star Empty Fyne Audio F501 - WhatHiFi 5-star

Post by Charles B&W TEG Wed Jul 22, 2020 6:24 pm

Dear hi-fi enthusiast,

"With my eyes closed, I could imagine being teleported to the original recording venue, not exactly front row, but a satisfying mid-hall perspective. The F501 delivers outstanding detail resolution, midband clarity, and spectacular imaging."

Fyne Audio F501 - WhatHiFi 5-star Abs10



Fyne Audio F501 - WhatHiFi 5-star F50111

Visit our Showroom at Lot S-207, 2nd Floor, The Gardens Mall to immerse yourself with our range of premium products from 11am to 7pm during RMCO (Recovery Movement Control Order). Please call us at 0126462738 to order or make an appointment.

Charles B&W TEG
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 331
Age : 33
Location : Kuala Lumpur
Registration date : 2019-01-25

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Fyne Audio F501 - WhatHiFi 5-star Empty Fyne Audio F501 - WhatHiFi 5-star

Post by Charles B&W TEG Thu Aug 20, 2020 4:39 pm

Dear audiophiles,

"The speakers handled the spacing of every instrument perfectly and the vocals had a huge sense of presence whether forward or further backward in the track." -RicherSounds.com

Fyne Audio F501 - WhatHiFi 5-star F50112

Fyne Audio F501 - WhatHiFi 5-star Rslogo10



Visit our Showroom at Lot S-207, 2nd Floor, The Gardens Mall to immerse yourself with our range of premium products. Please call us at 0126462738 to order or make an appointment.

Charles B&W TEG
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 331
Age : 33
Location : Kuala Lumpur
Registration date : 2019-01-25

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Fyne Audio F501 - WhatHiFi 5-star Empty Fyne Audio F501 - WhatHiFi 5-star

Post by Charles B&W TEG Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:26 pm

Dear audiophiles,

The Fyne Audio F501 is a What Hi-Fi? Awards 2018 winner, a thrillingly accomplished pair of floorstanders.

"Well defined sound stage, solid stereo focus and a lavish amount of detail... Timing and integration are excellent, and the sympathetic responsiveness of the musicians is never understated or overlooked..." -WhatHiFi

Fyne Audio F501 - WhatHiFi 5-star F501wh10

Fyne Audio F501 - WhatHiFi 5-star Whathi11



Visit our Showroom at Lot S-207, 2nd Floor, The Gardens Mall, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to immerse yourself with our range of premium products. Please call us at 0126462738 to order or make an appointment.

Charles B&W TEG
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 331
Age : 33
Location : Kuala Lumpur
Registration date : 2019-01-25

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Fyne Audio F501 - WhatHiFi 5-star Empty Fyne Audio F501 - WhatHiFi 5-star

Post by Charles B&W TEG Tue Sep 29, 2020 9:16 pm

Dear audiophiles,

"… an extremely thorough debut for a company that’s starting from scratch. But it’s safe to say the F501s look, feel and, most crucially, sound more like the product of a company building on years of experience and expertise." -WhatHiFi.com

Fyne Audio F501 - WhatHiFi 5-star F501210



Visit our Showroom at Lot S-207, 2nd Floor, The Gardens Mall, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to listen to the Fyne Audio F501 and immerse yourself with our other range of premium products. Please call us at 0126462738 to order or make an appointment.

Charles B&W TEG
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 331
Age : 33
Location : Kuala Lumpur
Registration date : 2019-01-25

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