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Nordost Heimdall 2 USB 2.0 Cable - 2m

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Nordost Heimdall 2 USB 2.0 Cable - 2m Empty Nordost Heimdall 2 USB 2.0 Cable - 2m

Post by UsedCables Mon Apr 03, 2023 11:48 pm

Nordost Heimdall 2 USB 2.0 Cable - 2m

Item is in LIKE-NEW condition. Comes with original box.

Selling Price: RM1800

Tel: 012-9956616

Whatsapp me at:

Improving upon Nordost’s Blue Heaven USB 2.0, the new Heimdall 2 USB 2.0 is the high-end digital cable that will deliver ones and zeroes with the efficiency and diligence necessary to maintain the correct impedance to dramatically lift your hi-fi system to a whole new level of performance.

Thanks to the experience acquired in the fabrication of successful products such as the Blue Heaven HDMI and USB 2.0 cables, Nordost can now further refine digital leads through its most current, proprietary technology. The Heimdall 2 USB 2.0 is constructed from 4 x 20 AWG stranded, silver-plated 99.99999% OFC conductors, arranged in a precise, twisted double helix in order to ensure character impedance, reduce noise and minimize cross-talk contamination. In order to increase dielectric, the conductors are suspended in Nordost’s proprietary FEP Dual Mono-Filament, which is newly optimized to increase flexibility and mechanical damping. Add a dual layer silver foil jacket and silver braided shield and the Heimdall 2’s extreme data transmission speeds surpass the USB 2.0 standards.

To further up the ante, the new Heimdall 2 USB 2.0 is now implementing mechanically tuned lengths. This technique, used in Nordost’s Odin, Norse 2 and Valhalla 2 ranges, reduces internal microphonics and high-frequency impedance resonance, which ultimately allows you to enjoy the dynamics, coherence, and balance of live music played in the comfort of your own listening room.

Nordost Heimdall 2 USB 2.0 Cable - 2m Nordos11
Nordost Heimdall 2 USB 2.0 Cable - 2m 20221126
Nordost Heimdall 2 USB 2.0 Cable - 2m 20221127

See all my cables here:


Thank you.

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Nordost Heimdall 2 USB 2.0 Cable - 2m Empty Re: Nordost Heimdall 2 USB 2.0 Cable - 2m

Post by UsedCables Tue May 02, 2023 11:51 pm


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Registration date : 2022-07-29

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