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Accuphase P600 stereo power amplifier

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Accuphase P600 stereo power amplifier Empty Accuphase P600 stereo power amplifier

Post by mike67 Mon May 15, 2023 9:39 am

Accuphase P600 stereo power amplifier Img-2016Accuphase P600 stereo power amplifier Img-2017

Accuphase P-600 Specifications

TypeStereo power amplifier
Continuous average power
(20 Hz to 20 kHz
Strain rate 0.02%)
Stereo specification Normal Load Imp. Operation:700W/ch (2 Ω)
500W/ch (4 Ω)
300W/ch (8 Ω)
150W/ch (16 Ω)Low Load Imp. Operation:450W/ch (1 Ω)
300W/ch (2 Ω)Monaural specification Normal Load Imp. Operation:1400W (4 Ω)
1000W (8 Ω)
600W (16 Ω)Low Load Imp. Operation:900W (2 Ω)
600W (4 Ω)
Total harmonic distortion factorStereo :0.02% (1 Ω ~ 2 Ω)
0.01% (4 Ω ~ 16 Ω)Monaural specification :0.02% (2 Ω ~ 4 Ω)
0.01% (8 Ω ~ 16 Ω)
IM Distortion Factor (EIA)0.01%
Frequency characteristic20 Hz ~ 20 kHz + 0 -0.2 dB (Continuous Average Output, Level Control MAX)
0.5 Hz ~ 250 kHz + 0 -3dB (at 1W Output, Level Control MAX)
0.5 Hz ~ 150 kHz + 0 -3dB (Level Control -6dB at 1W Output)
Gain27.8 dB (stereo specification)
33.8 dB (monaural specification)
Load impedanceStereo specification : 1 Ω ~ 16 Ω
Monaural specification : 2 Ω ~ 16 Ω
Damping factor
(EIA 50Hz)
Stereo specification: 300
Monaural specification: 150
Input sensitivityStereo:2.0 V (8 Ω, 300W, Normal Load Imp. Operation)
1.0 V (2 Ω, 300W, Low Load Imp. Operation)Monaural specification:1.83 V (8 Ω, 1000W, Normal Load Imp. Operation)
0.91 V (2 Ω, 900W, Low Load Imp. Operation)
Input impedance20k Ω unbalance
600 Ω equilibrium
S/N (A correction)Stereo:125 dB (Input Short, 8 Ω, Continuous Average Output, Normal Load Imp. Operation)
100 dB (Input 1k Ω, 1W output, EIA)Monaural specification:118 dB (Input Short, 8 Ω, Continuous Average Output, Normal Load Imp. Operation)
90 dB (Input 1k Ω, 1W output, EIA)
Subsonic filter10 Hz, -12dB/oct.
Output meterType: 3-digit Digital Display, Peak Direct Reading TypeDisplay Range: 0.001W ~ 999W
Semiconductor usedTransistor: 90 Nos.
FET: 8 Nos.
IC: 36 Nos.
Diode: 104 units
LED: 8 pcs
Power supply voltageAC 220V/240V, 50Hz/60Hz
Power consumption
(Normal Load Imp.
165W (no input)
1100W (Electrical Appliance and Material Control Law)
1100W (at 8 Ω load, rated output)
External dimensionsWidth 480x Height 232 (Including Legs) x Depth 476 mm
Sold SeparatelyPersimmon / Wood Panel A-14 (Set with mounting bracket, ¥ 16,000)
Heat Dissipation Fan O-81 (set, ¥ 8,000)
in very good working condition.
sold @ 0168606677 ( Whatsapp)

Last edited by mike67 on Mon May 29, 2023 8:12 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : sold)

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