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Audionics of Oregon CC-2 (SOLD)

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Audionics of Oregon CC-2 (SOLD) Empty Audionics of Oregon CC-2 (SOLD)

Post by Joai Sat Oct 21, 2023 6:59 pm

The Audionics of Oregon CC-2 Amplifier is a high-end audio amplifier that is designed to deliver exceptional sound quality and power. It is manufactured by Audionics of Oregon, a company that has been producing high-quality audio equipment since the 1970s.
The CC-2 Amplifier operates in a stereo or Bridged-Mono. It has a power output of up to 70 watts per channel in stereo and 200 watts in bridged-mono, which is more than enough to drive even the most demanding speakers.
The amplifier is constructed using high-quality components, including custom-made output transformers and capacitors. The circuit design is optimized for purity and accuracy, with minimal distortion and enhanced dynamic range, resulting in a clean and powerful sound.

Overall, the Audionics of Oregon CC-2 Amplifier is a high-performance amplifier that is perfect for audiophiles and music lovers who demand the very best in sound quality and power.

Audionics of Oregon CC-2 (SOLD) A7401212Audionics of Oregon CC-2 (SOLD) A7401211Audionics of Oregon CC-2 (SOLD) A7401210Audionics of Oregon CC-2 (SOLD) A7401213Audionics of Oregon CC-2 (SOLD) A7401319
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