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Siltech Explorer 90i RCA Interconnect Cable (Made In Netherlands) (Used)

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Siltech Explorer 90i RCA Interconnect Cable (Made In Netherlands) (Used) Empty Siltech Explorer 90i RCA Interconnect Cable (Made In Netherlands) (Used)

Post by choyaudiovisual Sat Oct 05, 2024 9:29 am

Siltech Explorer 90i RCA Interconnect Cable (Made In Netherlands) (Used)

Siltech Explorer 90i RCA Interconnect Cable (Made In Netherlands) (Used) 349c5110
Siltech Explorer 90i RCA Interconnect Cable (Made In Netherlands) (Used) 81167c10
Siltech Explorer 90i RCA Interconnect Cable (Made In Netherlands) (Used) C5630f10
Siltech Explorer 90i RCA Interconnect Cable (Made In Netherlands) (Used) D8041810
Siltech Explorer 90i RCA Interconnect Cable (Made In Netherlands) (Used) Whats170


The Siltech Explorer 90i are High Purity Mono X-tal Cu Interconnect cables. Standard available connectors are SCC85 or Siltech RCA, both Siltech Gold-plated RCA.
Explorer is Siltech’s entry-level audiophile range of cables, comprising unbalanced and balanced interconnects, loudspeaker cables and digital interconnects, including USB or FireWire terminations.

Designed to give a taste of what’s possible from our high end products but without the expense, the knowledge gleaned from nearly four decades of research and development has gone into this accessible range of high quality cables.
At its heart is Siltech’s bespoke 6N monocrystal copper conductor, which is ultra pure for extremely low loss signal transfer. This is backed by innovative dielectric materials with twin-layer Kapton-Teflon insulation to protect from mechanical, radio frequency and electromagnetic interference. Superb construction quality means that it’s built to last.
Although Siltech is world-famous for advanced silver conductors, our copper cored Explorer range is no poor relation.

Price: RM 790.00 inclusive postage to West Malaysia
Postage Method: Citylink Courier / Poslaju / VIP Transport
Whatsapp: Choy 012-5685484

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