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Sonus Faber Concerto Grand Piano - SOLD

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Sonus Faber Concerto Grand Piano - SOLD Empty Sonus Faber Concerto Grand Piano - SOLD

Post by cloud9 Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:08 am


Letting go a highly saught after SFGP speaker. This is a rare classic version that has much warmer sound with luxurios piano furnish. It is the first floorstand developed by SF, and it's based on close enclosure box where the bottom is reproduced by the passive radiator. The mid is bold and bass is punchy yet soothing. It is a good vocalist and pianist.

stereophile: "I've never heard a pair of the Italian Sonus Faber speakers I didn't like."

asking RMSOLD
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Frequent Contributor

Number of posts : 172
Age : 50
Location : PJ
Registration date : 2010-07-23

Character sheet
Source(s): transport and ESS Sabre
Amplification: Tube & SS
Speakers: Rogers 35仔

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