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QED Silver Anniversary Bi-wire 4 to 4 Speaker Cables 4m pair (Used)

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QED Silver Anniversary Bi-wire 4 to 4 Speaker Cables 4m pair (Used) Empty QED Silver Anniversary Bi-wire 4 to 4 Speaker Cables 4m pair (Used)

Post by raymond88 Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:53 pm

Item: QED Silver Anniversary Bi-wire 4 to 4 Speaker Cables 4m pair . Terminated 4 to 4 using QED Airloc gold plated banana plugs.

Condition: 8.5/10. Excellent condition.

Price: RM680 neg

Contact: Raymond 012-3816611

QED Silver Anniversary Bi-wire 4 to 4 Speaker Cables 4m pair (Used) Qedbiw10

QED Silver Anniversary Bi-wire 4 to 4 Speaker Cables 4m pair (Used) Qedbiw11

Some info:
QED Speaker Cables Silver Anniversary

This world renowned and multi-award winning loudspeaker cable provides high-end performance at a real-world price, through the use of silver plated Oxygen Free Copper conductors in a spiral lay geometry.

  • Multi award winning figure '8' cable
  • Silver plated 99.999% Oxygen Free Copper conductors formed into a spiral lay
  • High performance low density polyethylene insulation
  • A true glimpse of the esoteric, ideal for Hi-Fi and Home Cinema
  • A high performance cable for long runs

See my other items at: www.mudah.my/hifi-junction

Please also consider this if you need 4 to 4 termination:

Item: Chord Carnival Silver Plus Speaker Cable 4 to 4 banana plugs 2.5m pair.
Can be reterminated to 2 to 4 banana plugs if required.

Condition: 8.5/10

Price: RM460

Contact: Raymond 012-3816611

QED Silver Anniversary Bi-wire 4 to 4 Speaker Cables 4m pair (Used) Silver12

QED Silver Anniversary Bi-wire 4 to 4 Speaker Cables 4m pair (Used) Silver13

More info:

This is a well-balanced speaker cable with powerful, tuneful bass and an open, expressive mid range and treble. Carnival Silver Plus will bring out the best in any hi-fi or home cinema system.

QED Silver Anniversary Bi-wire 4 to 4 Speaker Cables 4m pair (Used) Chord_carnivalsilver_awards

On the face of it, Carnival Silver plus breaks one of Chords firmly held design principles, namely “the performance of a conductor is critically affected by the choice of dielectric”. The Chord Company have always used Teflon® as a dielectric with silver plated conductors; this is because they believe that other materials adversely affect the sound quality. Carnival Silver Plus uses Polyethylene in a very clever way that minimises conductor/dielectric contact, overcoming the sound quality issues usually encountered when using silver with anything other than Teflon®.

Using a variation on Chord's current twisted pair design, Carnival Silver Plus features two sets of six identical heavy gauge silver plated oxygen free copper wires. These wires are wrapped around a circular polyethylene dielectric in a spiral and each wire is held in place and prevented from touching each other with another circular polyethylene spacer between each conductor. The diameter of the spacers is crucial to the cable's performance, as the spacers minimise conductor/dielectric contact and in effect produce a semi air-spaced cable, (a first at this price level). They also ensure that conductor spacing remains consistent regardless of the curvature of the cable and prevent the outer jacket from affecting performance. The outer jacket is clear PVC, which is a good choice being both flexible and strong.


Thank you.

Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 10778
Age : 56
Location : Kuala Lumpur
Registration date : 2009-05-04

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