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Onkyo Grand Integra P308 M508 Combo [used] sold

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Onkyo Grand Integra P308 M508 Combo [used] sold Empty Onkyo Grand Integra P308 M508 Combo [used] sold

Post by matlap Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:06 pm

Pre Amp section-Eight inputs including two dedicated to Phono MM cartridges or Phono MC cartridges.
Dimensions Width 465x height 103x depth of 403mm
Weight 8.5kg

Power amp-Output power (20Hz - 20kHz) 290W+290W (4ohm) ,240W+240W (6ohm) ,200W+200W (8ohm)
Dynamic power 690W+690W (2ohm) ,460W+460W (4ohm)
270W+270W (8ohm).
Dimensions Width 465x height 187x depth of 426mm
Weight - 25kg
Both with glossy wooden sideburn.
Perfect giant combo.

Asking for rmsold
Pls call/sms 017-3182169
Onkyo Grand Integra P308 M508 Combo [used] sold P1070036Onkyo Grand Integra P308 M508 Combo [used] sold P1070037Onkyo Grand Integra P308 M508 Combo [used] sold P1070038Onkyo Grand Integra P308 M508 Combo [used] sold P1070039Onkyo Grand Integra P308 M508 Combo [used] sold P1070040Onkyo Grand Integra P308 M508 Combo [used] sold P7270011

Last edited by matlap on Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:08 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : sold)
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