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Brimar Ecc82 nos vavle tubes

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Brimar Ecc82 nos vavle tubes Empty Brimar Ecc82 nos vavle tubes

Post by advance audiophile Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:40 pm

Brimar Ecc82 nos vavle tubes Dsc03613Like a warm British jacket of the finest tweed, these glorious tubes have an attractive sweet warmth in their midrange and lower regions. The top end is silky and pleasant, without being rolled-off. The best of these tubes retain a fine sense of "air" at the top, and the upper midrange is smooth and liquid. These tubes reproduce the human voice, especially female voices, with haunting realism. The rare longplates and Genalex versions have an eye-popping huge soundstage, razor sharp focus and detail, and an uncolored top end while retaining the warmth
Have only one matched pair of Brimar ECC82 or 12AU7 vintage NOS tube. Made in England brand new in box with series number GH0737.

Super detail, good staging, detail, accurate, warm and strong deep Bass.

Hurry only one matched pair selling at RM460.00 only. Hurry do not miss this special offer and hardly can find this tubes again. Call at 0123282993

advance audiophile
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
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Age : 60
Location : Selangor
Registration date : 2010-10-19

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