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Philips CD373 -Sold-

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Philips CD373    -Sold- Empty Philips CD373 -Sold-

Post by 1541 Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:58 pm

Philips CD373    -Sold- CD373

Philips Cd373 [Look similar sitting on top of its brother CD960 ] ,early 90s made
Good working condition,its age is an absolute proof of its reliability Idea

Made in belgium
Midi size

Asking $415 [Free West malaysia standard posting ] ~item SOLD~
asking $445 [Free East malaysia standard posting]

i had it compared side by side with Marantz CD63-KI recently,driven with KT88 int vacume...tested mainly on CDs mostly vocal.

Vocal presentation.
winner= CD373 [Rich mid-range,warmer and singers presented with thicker voicing,smoother top without grain,although lost a little in the top resolution but what we care was the vocal itself which was effectively translated into an emotion that was really connecting us.
it sounded more neutral and analogue[although not sounds exactly like LP but closer ] .

Instrument presentation:
CD63-KI sounds more dynamic and colored too,although it sounded more transparent,detail but it loses its weight at the same time [easily turns bright],its a good piece of HiFi CD player for Hi-Fi listening, but CD373 is not,..we want listen to good but thicker sounding in natural way therefore we concluded that CD373 is way better sounding for more neutral listening and it sounded lesser digital than bit stream player regardless of cost.

Cd373 was the final winner[performance vs cost ratio] , it was cheaper by >100% than 63-KI , so CD373 is for those who prefer to natural sounding, and CD63-KI is good for those whose preference is HiFi sounding.

lastly The KI owner also picked the best of all for vocal [1540p] rather than [1541] after the test.

note: Money back if you found CD373 [midrange richness] does not match to your existing player regardless of cost Exclamation

Last edited by 1541 on Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:24 pm; edited 4 times in total
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 687
Location : Legoland- 怒沙Jaya
Registration date : 2010-11-18

Character sheet
Source(s): 1541`s品种狂机
Amplification: Nac42/Nap90
Speakers: SARA

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Philips CD373    -Sold- Empty Philips CD373

Post by Kinta Valley Audio Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:37 am

Hi Wong,

I am interested in your Philips CD373. Is it still available? What is the condition of the CD player? Can you send me picture of the CD player?
Email : kintavalleyaudio@gmail.com


Kinta Valley Audio
Kinta Valley Audio
Frequent Contributor
Frequent Contributor

Number of posts : 827
Age : 64
Location : Ipoh, Perak
Registration date : 2011-07-13

Character sheet
Source(s): Denon DCD-S10, Rega P8,Rega RP6
Amplification: ATI AT1502 X 2,Schiit Audio Freyer
Speakers: TDL RSTL , LS3/5A


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