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Patricia Barber - NightClub

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Patricia Barber - NightClub Empty Patricia Barber - NightClub

Post by TheVinlyShop Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:24 pm

Patricia Barber - NightClub

Label: Premonition
Genre: Female Vocalists
Product No.: APRM 9076
Category: 180 Gram Vinyl Record

No. of Discs: 2

"Throaty, come-hither vocals and cooly incisive piano. Barber's hushed, sensuous version of 'Bye Bye Blackbird,' hasn't been bettered since Miles Davis last took the old standby out for a spin." — Time

"Nightclub is an extraordinary recording by an extraordinary artist." — Stereophile

Nightclub, the new record of standards from vocalist / pianist Patricia Barber and first studio release for Blue Note, has been a long time in coming. From the very begining of her 20-year career, devoted fans have been asking Patricia Barber to dedicate a record to standards. "These songs have always been a part of my repertoire and are a big part of who I am, but I wanted to try and define myself in a different way before making a record like this," says Barber. It is hard to argue with her approach. Armed with a press kit to die for, strong national radio support and two Top 10 Billboard Jazz recordings in a row, the timing couldn't be better for her most accessible record to date. Fans will recognize and appreciate that within simple approaches, Barber maintains her fierce individuality. Jazz vocal traditionalists will hear an astonishing voice inside well-known melodies, giving itself over to the song. And, aficionados of the American popular songbook cannot help but appreciate hearing their music given by one of the most expressive voices in contemporary music.

1. Bye Bye Blackbird
2. Yesterdays
3. Just for a Thrill
4. You Don't Know Me
5. Alfie
6. Invitation
7. Autumn Leaves
8. Summer Samba
9. A Man & A Woman
10. So In Love
11. All of Nothing At All
12. I Fall in Love Too Easily
13. Santa Claus is Coming To Town
Patricia Barber - NightClub Premlp12

The vinyl shop 0321100584,0321439406
Sungei wang plaza

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Number of posts : 323
Age : 45
Location : Kuala Lumpur
Registration date : 2012-11-14

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Patricia Barber - NightClub Empty Re: Patricia Barber - NightClub

Post by allen6266 Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:57 am

I am looking for this CD, anyone has one for sale?

Will also consider good used condition CD.


allen-sms/whatsapp> 0129676677.
Frequent Contributor
Frequent Contributor

Number of posts : 105
Age : 56
Location : 1malaysia
Registration date : 2010-02-07

Character sheet
Source(s): Dell,Arcam rDAC/EPSU,Denon TT/Shure M75ECS
Amplification: DIY HicapTPR4, NAC72,Dual Mono NCC200
Speakers: DIY SEAS

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Patricia Barber - NightClub Empty Re: Patricia Barber - NightClub

Post by musikaki Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:34 am

make a trip to adelphi singapore. there are several shops here selling cds. good and plenty of choices. 

or try ordering online at amazon?


Number of posts : 86
Age : 47
Location : KL
Registration date : 2009-03-10

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Patricia Barber - NightClub Empty Re: Patricia Barber - NightClub

Post by allen6266 Thu Nov 28, 2013 10:05 am

Thanks for your suggestions musikaki.

BTW. I just got the CD from a Gentleman here !! Thanks to him!
Frequent Contributor
Frequent Contributor

Number of posts : 105
Age : 56
Location : 1malaysia
Registration date : 2010-02-07

Character sheet
Source(s): Dell,Arcam rDAC/EPSU,Denon TT/Shure M75ECS
Amplification: DIY HicapTPR4, NAC72,Dual Mono NCC200
Speakers: DIY SEAS

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