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Ansuz-acoustics Darkz / Sparkz

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Ansuz-acoustics Darkz / Sparkz Empty Ansuz-acoustics Darkz / Sparkz

Post by Audioline Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:21 pm


Ansuz-acoustics / DARKZ

Retail Price: SGD$1350.00 (4 pcs)

In our quest to create the ultimate decoupler we tested a DARKZ Diamond. Coating the DARKZ sandwich construction with genuine diamond. The diamond version appears dark, almost black but with a unique surface. Diamond, who is known as one of the world's hardest materials, removes any elasticity left in the decoupler and gives a 100% pure and deep drainage of unwanted noise and vibration - the experience of HIFI equipment decoupled with DARKZ Diamond is of another world, not just sound good, it also feels absolutely fantastic.

Ansuz-acoustics Darkz / Sparkz Ansuz-acousticsDARKZDIAMOND_zpsf340f82f

Retail Price: SGD$850.00 (4 pcs) 

Takes HIFI experience to new heights, and get even relatively inexpensive equipment to provide convincing HIFI performance. DARKZ aluminum is a new designed innovative decoupling, leading mechanical noises and vibrations away from HIFI gear, using an ingenious sandwich construction. The material, Aluminium is characterized by being an effective leader of both movement , heat and more.

Ansuz-acoustics Darkz / Sparkz Ansuz-acousticsALUMINIUMDARKZ_zps4a6ad20a

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Ansuz-acoustics / SPARKZ

Retail Price: SGD$380.00

The Sparkz Sound Enhanzer is something of a mystery, because of it's impressing effect to HIFI sound environment. And then again, it is not so mysterious because the construction is designed to take advantage of an well known and proven sound phenomenon - the scalar field.

Ansuz-acoustics Darkz / Sparkz Ansuz-acousticsDARKZSPARKZ_zpsdd6dda0f

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