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Luxman A-312 Stereo Intergrated Amplifier with Phono Input (Sold)

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Luxman A-312 Stereo Intergrated Amplifier with Phono Input (Sold) Empty Luxman A-312 Stereo Intergrated Amplifier with Phono Input (Sold)

Post by HiFiLab Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:59 am

Luxman A-312 Stereo Intergrated Amplifier with Phono Input (Sold) 20140100
Luxman A-312 Stereo Intergrated Amplifier with Phono Input (Sold) 20140101
Luxman A-312 Stereo Intergrated Amplifier with Phono Input (Sold) 20140102

60 watts per channel @ 8 Ohm

Luxman A-312. At first glance, it scattered on the buttons and knobs of various shapes and sizes give the impression of chaos, as if they mixed like dominoes. But it turns out, the chips, like a good player, went to "arm". Each in the place where it is needed at the moment.

 Pushbutton input selector - a little taller, more accessible - they are more likely to enjoy, the basis of the input selector switch is turned to the dependent mechanical detent: push one - it clicks another, returning to the place.

 It recalled vehicles 20 years ago, when these switches are in vogue. Now, of course, he became more comfortable (for ease of clicking feeling must Japanese quality).

Volume control is decorated like a great measuring device: Many numbers around the handle, according to which , setting accuracy is hundredths of a decibel. However, figures show no gain, that it would seem natural, and the weakening relative to the maximum volume.

On the rear panel Luxman A-312 surprised the usual warning: about speaker terminals given impedance connected speakers. For one pair of speakers it, judging by the inscription is from 8 to 16 ohms.

A power output instruction contains not only to 8 ohms, but also, and even 4 to 2 ohms.

Therefore, we performed measurements with 4-ohm dummy load, while still listening took 8 - ohm speaker.

Luxman A-312 has inputs and pre-amp outputs. They are interconnected by a bridge. If you remove it, then here you can connect an external graphic equalizer or processor Dolby Pro Logic. Near the entrance is a small player switch that disables the built-in equalizer turntable and thus transforms this input into one more additional AUX-2. That connect to two additional inputs?

Assessing vocal at low volume, the experts pointed out that the bass in Dinner at Woolfie's (Toscho) sounded like it should be pretty rather tartly. Note that it was possible not all "experimental". But it was enough to increase the volume, and bass sounds become like hammer blows, and electro, standing in the middle, slightly pulled to the left. This picture could be corrected handle balance, but we are, so to say, for reasons of clarity deliberately did not use the additional regulations. Mighty and almost infra- low bass Two ships (Miller Anderson), without losing anything in their power, for some reason, not scolded, "bones", and guitar and vocals slightly mixed. But here's the melody went faster and more elegant. "Waltz of the Flowers" by Tchaikovsky appeared like our ward. And if even faster? Well, please, just for you - a polka by Johann Strauss. Oh, how he loves solo instruments! Luxman and put them exactly in its place, and with all nyuansik ottenochkami reproduce. For them, he seems willing to do anything that even slightly moved the orchestra, but the solo - no, no! In the introduction to "The Nutcracker" Luxman A-312 is not trying to rush, taking the ancient wisdom of Octavian August "Festina Lente" (hurry slowly).

Price : RM 680
Contact Simon Ting 012-3612507

Last edited by HiFiLab on Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:10 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : sold)

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