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Roksan Xerxes Turntable with Power Supply and Roksan Tabriz tonearm

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Roksan Xerxes Turntable with Power Supply and Roksan Tabriz tonearm Empty Roksan Xerxes Turntable with Power Supply and Roksan Tabriz tonearm

Post by raymond88 Sun Jul 03, 2016 1:29 am

Item: Roksan Xerxes Turntable with Power Supply and Roksan Tabriz tonearm, WITHOUT cartridge.

Condition: 8.5/10. Item is in excellent condition. Just service and oiled. Motor is excellent and very silent. It also comes with a printed Roksan Xerxes manual.

The platter have been polished with new belt. The servicing and check up already cost RM650 and was certified as excellent and service by reputable Roksan technician.  The Roksan Tabriz is also in excellent condition

Price: RM5500 or swap topup

Contact: 012-3816611

Roksan Xerxes Turntable with Power Supply and Roksan Tabriz tonearm Roksan10

Roksan Xerxes Turntable with Power Supply and Roksan Tabriz tonearm Roksan17

Roksan Xerxes Turntable with Power Supply and Roksan Tabriz tonearm Roksan22

Roksan Xerxes Turntable with Power Supply and Roksan Tabriz tonearm Roksan18

Roksan Xerxes Turntable with Power Supply and Roksan Tabriz tonearm Roksan20

Roksan Xerxes Turntable with Power Supply and Roksan Tabriz tonearm Roksan19

Roksan Xerxes Turntable with Power Supply and Roksan Tabriz tonearm Roksan21

Roksan Xerxes Turntable with Power Supply and Roksan Tabriz tonearm Roksan23

Roksan Xerxes Turntable with Power Supply and Roksan Tabriz tonearm Tabriz10

Roksan Xerxes Turntable with Power Supply and Roksan Tabriz tonearm Tabriz13

Roksan Xerxes Turntable with Power Supply and Roksan Tabriz tonearm Tabriz11

Roksan Xerxes Turntable with Power Supply and Roksan Tabriz tonearm Tabriz12

Roksan Xerxes Turntable with Power Supply and Roksan Tabriz tonearm Tabrti10

Thank you

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