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Supra EFF-IXLR Interconnect with XLR (Pair) - 1.5m pair

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Supra EFF-IXLR Interconnect with XLR (Pair) - 1.5m pair Empty Supra EFF-IXLR Interconnect with XLR (Pair) - 1.5m pair

Post by raymond88 Sat Aug 12, 2017 4:21 pm

Item: Supra EFF-IXLR Interconnect with XLR (Pair) - 1.5m pair

Condition: 8.5/10. Item is in excellent condition. Bought new for RM900.

Price: RM580 RM480 or swap/topup

Contact: 012-3816611

Supra EFF-IXLR Interconnect with XLR (Pair) - 1.5m pair Suprax11

Supra EFF-IXLR Interconnect with XLR (Pair) - 1.5m pair Suprax10

Some Info:


A reinforcement of even the finest details is the goal of all cable design. A traditional cable can not achieve that quality due to the construction. A good interconnect must have low capacitance and low skin-effect.
The skin-effect has a dynamic and noticeable influence because an audio signal is nothing but variations of frequencies and sound levels. If we were to transfer only one stable frequency the skin-effect would not be any problem. The frequencies push the signal differently far out from the centre of the conductor. High frequencies travel on the surface whereas low frequencies travel inside the conductor.
Thus, the higher the frequency, the higher the resistance. 
In order to minimise the skin-effect the EFF-I is designed in accordance with Equalised Frequency Flow (EFF) Technique. It is based on tube shaped conductors with a wall thickness of 0.20mm, which is well below the smallest skin depth within the Audio range. This allows the same resistance for all frequencies. The result is a transparent and exact reinforcement with clear room definition.
EFF-I is one of Supra Cables most awarded products, not without good reason...
The EFF-IXLR is terminated with high quality Supra 3 pin XLR connectors.

EFF-I Interconnect Cable 

The dynamic influence of the skin effect is of great sonic influence as music and also video signals are nothing but variations. By means of the Equalized Frequency Flow technique (EFF) Supra takes skin effect into account. The EFF-I cable consists of two tube-shaped conductors with a wall thickness of 0.20 mm which is well below the smallest skin depth within the audio range. This makes a wide range of the music (or video) frequencies pass through under the same conditions. 

EFF-I Interconnect Cable Construction 

Silver plated OFC copper 0.5 mm2/conductor. Tube-shaped flexible conductors with a center core of PE. Two conductors, individually screened, for balanced or semi-balanced connection.




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