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TDL RTL3 Speakers - Transmission Line Speakers - SOLD

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TDL RTL3 Speakers - Transmission Line Speakers - SOLD Empty TDL RTL3 Speakers - Transmission Line Speakers - SOLD

Post by superfi Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:25 pm

An honest appraisal of the TDL RTL3 Speakers by Vaughanie at Audio Asylum:
“These are simply the best speakers in the sub £1000 price bracket. They do need good powerful amplification to achieve their best bass delivery.  Try to reproduce a 24 foot organ fundamental on any small speaker, however expensive and the argument ends there ….."  He went further to say "....remember that TDL didn't quite buy the same amount of advertising space in the likes of What Hi-Fi and Hi-Fi Choice as did some other highly praised models from manufacturers who did take out the advertising space." Thus TDL did not receive that kind of rave reviews that the RTL3's so rightfully deserved.
Personal experience - from the RTL3 comes deep, deep tuneful bass that only transmission lines can produce - absolutely the last of it’s breed, and rare in the market.  Transmission line designed speakers are highly sort after by audiophiles who listens especially to classical music. 

TDL RTL3 Speakers - Transmission Line Speakers - SOLD Img_2020
In very good condition, well taken are of by previous owner.
Price: SOLD
Contact: 03-76104466 / 011-39300083 Greg or 012-2955266 George
Or come view at APS, 2nd Floor Amcorp Mall, Petaling Jaya
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 546
Location : Petaling Jaya
Registration date : 2012-05-24

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