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Yamaha CX-A5100 + MX-A5000 Pre & Power Amplifier (Sold Out)

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Yamaha CX-A5100 + MX-A5000 Pre & Power Amplifier (Sold Out) Empty Yamaha CX-A5100 + MX-A5000 Pre & Power Amplifier (Sold Out)

Post by stylelaser.com.my Mon Jan 29, 2018 11:38 am

Yamaha CX-A5100 + MX-A5000 Pre & Power Amplifier Brand New, Now Selling at RM21,999.
Free Shipping Within West Malaysia.

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Yamaha CX-A5100 + MX-A5000 Pre & Power Amplifier (Sold Out) ES_mxa5000cxa5100blk

Yamaha CX-A5100 + MX-A5000 Pre & Power Amplifier (Sold Out) Yamaha_mxa500_amplifier_4_1

Yamaha CX-A5100 + MX-A5000 Pre & Power Amplifier (Sold Out) ES_g022cxa5000-b

Yamaha CX-A5100 + MX-A5000 Pre & Power Amplifier (Sold Out) ES_g022mxa5000-b

When searching for perfection, we are often forced to look beyond what currently exists; to explore new horizons, a new way of thinking, to take a new approach.AVENTAGE has exemplified the pursuit of perfection in home entertainment. The pursuit for absolute purity of sound, exquisite video, and unmatched flexibility. It has been a journey in which countless awards have delivered a sense of satisfaction and achievement, however Yamaha’s engineers have maintained a burning desire to achieve something more. A void has existed for a true flagship product. A product that transcends all before it.AVENTAGE has been a journey toward this ultimate destination. Introducing a Yamaha first. AVENTAGE Separate Components. The Yamaha CXA5100 ia an 11.2-channel AV Pre-Amplifier at the pinnacle of the AVENTAGE Series.  Superb sound quality combined with fine craftsmanship ensures an unequalled listening experience. Latest technologies include high rigidity chassis, ESS DACs and reliable balanced connection.

對的高品質,絕對的真實感 AVENTAGE 系列的顛峰之作: 11.2-聲道AV前級處理擴大機。結合了精緻的工藝,一流音質,讓您享受無與倫比地音效臨場感。創新的科技結合高剛性底盤,ESS DACs晶片以及平衡式連結,為家庭劇院的最佳體驗及享受,定義了新的標準。

AVENTAGE build standards designed to deliver the highest level of audio performance
Aluminum front panel, H-shape cross member frame and rigid bottom frame
11.2-channel preamplifier with balanced XLR outputs (including subwoofer outputs)
Dolby Atmos®️ and DTS:X™️ up to 7.2.4-channel
CINEMA DSP HD3 expands the sound field vertically for more thrilling and realistic surround sound
Add audio in up to 9 additional rooms with MusicCast
8-in, 2-out HDMI®️ with 4K Ultra HD pass-through and upscaling
Advanced HDMI zone switching (Zone 2)
HDCP 2.2, high dynamic range (HDR) and BT.2020 compatibility
Professional digital-to-analog conversion (ESS SABRE™️ Ultra DAC ES9016S) for all channels
Fully loaded with Wi-Fi®️, Bluetooth, AirPlay®️ and Spotify Connect
Stream Pandora®️, Spotify, Napster®️, SiriusXM Internet Radio and thousands of free internet radio stations
DSD 2.8 MHz / 5.6 MHz, FLAC / WAV / AIFF 192 kHz / 24-bit, Apple®️ Lossless 96 kHz / 24-bit playback
Phono input to connect to your favorite turntable
Room acoustics optimization using YPAO™️- R.S.C. with 3D, 64-bit precision EQ calculation and angle measurement
Dolby Atmos®️ support
DTS:X™️ support
AVENTAGE 11.2-聲道AV前級處理擴大機
The Next-generation CINEMA DSP HD3, compatible with all the latest formats
Highly reliable balanced connections and high quality XLR terminals for long subwoofer cables
全聲道包含前臨場及後臨場揚聲器採用超高性能的ESS ES9016 DACs
採用高音質組件與設計,確保高密 度臨場音效及豐富聲音細節
特殊設計的高剛性底盤,消除振動 的影響,以達到最純淨的音效
YPAO-R.S.C Sound optimisation with high precision 64-bit EQ calculation
MusicCast for audio enjoyment in every room
Wi-Fi Built-in and Wireless Direct compatible for easy network
AirPlay, Spotify®️* 等音樂串流服務及AV Controller app
DSD 2.8MHz/5.6MHz, FLAC/WAV/AIFF 192kHz/24bit, Apple Lossless(蘋果無失真格式) 96kHz / 24-bit 格式播放
AV Controller app 可透過智慧型手機/平板進行多功能操作
4K60p 4:4:4 Pass through, HDMI (8 in/2 out) with HDCP2.2 (7 in/2 out), 3D and Audio Return Channel
Yamaha 影像處理技術有助於優化影像內容
高解析音樂增強裝置(High Resolution Music Enhancer),進一步提高原有音訊內容音樂品質
多達四區的區域控制 (包含宴會模式)
11 channel overwhelming power amplification
150 W per channel (8 ohms, 20 Hz-20 kHz, 0.06 % THD, 2 ch driven)
280 W per channel (6 ohms, 1 kHz, 10 % THD, 1 ch driven, JEITA)
Custom-made large-size toroidal transformer
Current feedback power amp with Three-stage Darlington circuit
27,000 uF custom block capacitors
Specially designed high rigidity chassis and highest quality parts
Noise resistant XLR balanced connections
Biamping capability with channel selector
High quality gold-plated speaker terminals
Auto Power Standby
Handy trigger control (trigger in / out and through out)
Detachable high quality thick AC cable
絕對的品質,強大的動力 11聲道功率擴大器展現頂尖的AVENTAGE系列性能 令人難以置信的純淨、清晰輸出 高剛性底盤,高音質零件及可靠的平衡式連結以達到最佳性能,具備彈性的系統架構

--- 150 W per channel (8 ohms, 20 Hz-20 kHz, 0.06 % THD, 2 ch driven)
--- 每聲道170 W (6 ohms, 20 Hz-20 kHz, 0.06% THD, 2 ch driven)
--- 290 W per channel (4 ohms, 1 kHz, 0.9 % THD, 1 ch driven [European Model])
--- 每聲道280 W (6 ohms, 1 kHz, 10% THD, 1 ch driven, JEITA)
27,000uF 電源濾波電容器
方便的觸發控制功能(trigger in / out 和 through out)
Yamaha CX-A5100
AVENTAGE AV Receivers: Designed to Deliver the Highest Levels of Audio Performance
The AVENTAGE line of high-performance AV receivers is based on the audio design concept of providing a massive, full-bodied sound for movie sound effects and the accurate reproduction of music sources. By expertly harmonizing traditional and advanced technologies, every factor that affects sound quality, from materials and parts to construction, layout, vibration damping (unique foot) and “fine-tuning” the sound, is handled with no other thought than to achieve the best possible audio quality. As a result, every AVENTAGE model has the ability to reproduce the most subtle details of high-definition sound, so that listeners can enjoy a truly high-class sound studio experience at home.

AVENTAGE 影音擴大機: 為展現高性能影音水準而打造
AVENTAGE高性能影音擴大機承襲Yamaha 音頻設計理念,提供醇厚、澎湃的電影音效並且準確的重現音樂來源。融合悠久的傳統專業調音以及先進的技術,Yamaha在每個會影響聲音品質的原件; 由材料至結構零件、架構、抑振方式 (獨特的支撐點),皆是設計讓您獲得最佳音質。因此,每個 AVENTAGE機種都能重現高解析訊源的每個細節,以提供聆聽者在家享受真正專業錄音室等級的音效。

Noise Resistant, Highly Reliable Balanced Connections and High Quality XLR Terminals for Long Subwoofer Cables

Electrical noise may be generated from connections with other AV components, including the connections between them as well as from external noise sources. To ensure that the CX-A5100 is not affected by this distortion, it uses balanced connections that are highly noise resistant t the same type generally used in pro audio equipment. Even the unbalanced RCA connection uses a ground-sensing transmission method that achieves a simple and balanced transmission. When each channel is used independently, the impact of noise flowing between the preamp and power-amp is removed, minimizing sound quality deterioration due to the connection. XLR terminals allow for the use of long cables that may be needed to connect a subwoofer. The CX-A5100 also has a balanced audio input connection to high-grade source components such as CD players.

電氣噪訊可能產生自與其他AV組件的連接,而即使是組件之間的連接,也可能受其他外部噪訊干擾。為了確保CX-A5100與MX-A5000不受到這樣的干擾所影響,他們使用了高度抗噪的平衡式連結 ─ 與通常運用在專業音響設備的方式相同。即使是RCA非平衡式連接使用接地感應傳輸方法以達到簡單的平衡傳輸。在這樣的狀況下,每聲道選擇使用XLR連結,將能夠消除前級擴大器與後級擴大器機箱之間噪訊流動的影響,將來自於連接的音質干擾降到最低。CX-A5100 也能夠經由平衡式音訊輸入連接至高階的訊源組件,例如CD播放器等。

High Density Presence and Richly Detailed Sound Ensured by High Quality Parts and Design
All channels use ultra-high performance ESS ES9016 DACs, which provide 192 kHz / 32-bit processing with a superior SN ratio and high dynamic range, ensuring faithful reproduction from Blu-ray Discs and other players, as well as from high-resolution source inputs over the network. Matched to the design of the DAC circuitry, which achieves stable ground potential (DAC on Pure Ground), they provide high-precision D/A conversion. A new Volume IC realizes low noise and superior sound orientation and a superior low-jitter clock circuit is used for clear and vivid network audio. In addition, the internal design separates the power supplies to the analog circuit boards, eliminating high frequency noise interference from the digital circuitry. The shielded power supplies restrict noise radiation and the large power transformer minimizes vibration.

採用高音質組件與設計,確保高密 度臨場音效及豐富聲音細節
CX-A5100全聲道採用超高性能的ESS ES9016 DACs, 提供192kHz/32-bit 相容,高信噪比與動態範圍,確保能忠實的重現來自Blu-ray、其他播放器的音訊訊號以及透過網路輸入的高音質訊源。匹配的DAC電路設計,達到穩定的接地電位(DAC 純淨接地),確保高精準的D/A轉換。使用旗艦機型才會採用的高階運算放大器,以達到最大的信號純度。採用三層電路板的設計,完全分離具備不同噪訊等級與頻寬的數位,類比視訊及類比音訊電路,達到最短的電氣路徑,以實現最細膩的聲音。此外,透過電源供應與類比電路分離,能消除來自於數位電路的高頻噪訊干擾。屏蔽的電源供應設計,限制了噪訊的輻射擴散並且最大限度地減少打大型變壓器的振動。

Specially Designed High Rigidity Chassis Eliminates the Effects of Vibration for Greater Sound Purity
As part of this preamp processors no compromise design, Yamaha created an advanced chassis with strong rigidity. Chassis stiffness is enhanced by a three-ply structure that incorporates an independent top cover, aluminum side panels and an H-shaped cross frame. The ART (Anti-Resonance Technology) Wedge in the center of the bottom cover acts as an additional vibration countermeasure for the internal circuits and delicate parts.

特殊設計的高剛性底盤,消除振動 的影響,以達到最純淨的音效
基於這兩款擴大機毫不妥協的設計方針,Yamaha創造了先進的強力剛性底盤。透過H型框架以提高機構強度,採用鋁質側板,以及具備獨立上蓋及側板的三層結構,以增加箱體剛性。重型絕緣體能抑制來自於機架或其他任何外部的振動。A.R.T Wedge防振科技,經由底部中央的特殊腳座,以作為額外的制振對策,且穩定的支撐內部迴路及纖細部位。此外,兩款機型皆採用雙底部結構以及高強度的底盤更進一步的提升基底堅固性並且減少來自電力供給及其它內部組件的振動。

Access all of your music with a simple app and wirelessly stream it throughout your home using your existing Wi-Fi®️ network.

・ Stream it all. Listen to Pandora®️, Spotify and thousands of free internet radio stations and the music stored on your smart devices and computers.

・ Wireless connectivity. All MusicCast products are fully loaded with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and AirPlay®️.

・ Expand to a whole home audio experience. When you’re ready, add MusicCast wireless speakers, sound bars or other devices in up to 9 other rooms and listen throughout your home.

・ No wires, easy installation. By using MusicCast, you don't need to fuss with placing wires through walls into other rooms.

For more details, please visit MusicCast special page.
Bluetooth®️ Compatible for Wireless Music Streaming
The CX-A5100 is equipped with Bluetooth®️ functionality to let you easily enjoy wireless music playback from smartphones and other devices. The Compressed Music Enhancer from Yamaha is now optimized for Bluetooth audio transmissions to ensure that your music will have vivid, lively sound quality during wireless playback.

CX-A5100的蓝牙功能让您轻松享受无线播放智能手机和其他设备上的音乐。Yamaha压缩音质增强功能 (Compressed Music Enhancer) 现已针对蓝牙音频传输进行优化,在无线播放过程中保持生动、逼真的音乐音质。

Bluetooth Streaming
Wireless operation more convenient than ever. The CX-A5100 is equipped with the latest Bluetooth technology to stream music to Bluetooth speakers for added audio coverage or to Bluetooth headphones for private listening.


4K Ultra HD Full Support with 4K60p, HDCP2.2, HDR* Video and BT.2020 pass-through
This AV receiver completely supports with the latest HDMI standards. Thanks to transmission of 4K video at 60 frames per second pass-through, you can fully enjoy the high definition video quality of 4K without degradation. It also adheres to the HDCP2.2 copyright protection standard for 4K video transmission. It also supports HDR (High Dynamic Range) Video which provide enhanced picture quality by simultaneously enabling greater detail for both the dark and bright parts of an image. Furthermore it supports wider color gamut of BT.2020 pass-through.

*A future firmware update will be required to enable HDR.

支持4K超高清视频通过 ( HDCP2.2 / 4K60p),HDR*动态视频和BT.2020 直通
CX-A5100 全面支持新HDMI标准。每秒60帧的4K视频通过(pass-through)功能,让您尽情享受4K高画质影像没有任何延迟。此外,本产品也支持专为4K影像传输设计的高带宽数字内容保护技术(HDCP2.2 )。同时,CX-A5100 也支持HDR(High Dynamic Range)动态视频,能同时给图像的暗处和亮处提供更多的细节处理来增强画质。另外它也支持BT.2020直通更广泛的色域。

Yamaha Video Processing

With expertise in engineering exceptional video projectors, Yamaha has produced various advanced processing techniques that are applied to this AV receiver’s video upscaling capabilities. These include edge adaptive deinterlacing to smooth out jaggy noise, motion adaptive deinterlacing to detect moving or still images and multi-cadence detection that includes 3-2 pull-down.

雅马哈运用其高端视频投影机领域的专业知识,研发出各种处理技术,比如逐行自适应(Edge Adaptive)可以使锯齿噪音平滑,运动自适应(Motion Adaptive)可以检测移动或静止成像,进行精确的像素处理,电影检测(Cinema Detection) 3:2/2:2下拉匹配电影内容以及多种韵律检测(Multi Cadence Detection)。适当的视频处理功能让您无论观看任何视频来源都能完整的享受其内容。

Advanced HDMI Zone Switching Allows Unprecedented AV Switching to Multiple Zones
While standard HDMI zone switching can only send HD video programs to the main and second zones, advanced HDMI®️ zone switching from Yamaha adds the capability to choose from all audio and video sources for playback in Zone 2*. An on-screen graphical user interface makes it easy to browse and select content to enjoy from the second zone no matter what is being played in the Main Zone.

*The second HDMI output can be assigned to Zone 4 as well (HDMI inputs only).

Please visit [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] to find out more products for sale at very special price..

Interested please feel free to contact:

Chris  012-2309169

Fong   016-3098668

Business hour:











No.148, Jalan Cerdas, Taman

Connaught, Cheras 56000 Kuala Lumpur


Yamaha CX-A5100 + MX-A5000 Pre & Power Amplifier (Sold Out) Trade-in

We buy in your old items in CASH!!

Got something keep at home but seldom use or planning to upgrade?

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Please Whatsapp the item photo to me and get the price immediately, once confirmed the deal, we will pick up your item from you and pay you in cash.


[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Surround Sound Formats[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]Dolby Digital Pro-Logic IIx 
Dolby TrueHD 
Dolby Atmos
DTS-HD High Resolutiuon 
DTS-HD Master Audio 
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]DAC Type[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]ESS 192kHz/32bit all channels[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Multizone[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]4 Zones[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Multichannel Outputs[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]11.2[/size][/size][/size]

Yamaha CX-A5100 Processing

[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Advanced DSP Modes[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]Yes[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Advanced EQ Options[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]Yes[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Auto EQ Setup[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]Yes[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Video Processing[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]Yes[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]4K Video Processing[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]Yes[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]4K Video Passthrough[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]Yes[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]3D Video Passthrough[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]Yes[/size][/size][/size]

Yamaha CX-A5100 Features

[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Compatibility[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]ARC Compatible[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Radio[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]AM/FM Tuner 
Internet Radio
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Advanced Features[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]Streaming Audio Compatible
Remote App
DLNA Certified 
On Screen Display
Dolby Volume

Yamaha CX-A5100 Product Properties

[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Warranty[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]12 Months[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Release Year[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]2015[/size][/size][/size]

Yamaha CX-A5100 Connections

[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]HDMI Type[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]HDMI 2.0a[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]HDMI Inputs[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]8[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]HDMI Outputs[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]2[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]USB Ports[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]1[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Component Inputs[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]3[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Component Outputs[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]1[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Composite Inputs[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]4[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Composite Outputs[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]1[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Digital Audio Inputs Coaxial[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]3[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Digital Audio Inputs Optical[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]3[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Analogue Audio Inputs RCA[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]8[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Analogue Audio Inputs XLR Balanced[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]2 (AV 4 L&R)[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Analogue Audio Outputs XLR Balanced[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]11 + 2 subwoofer[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Subwoofer Pre-Outs[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]2[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]LAN Ports[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]1[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Headphone Out[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]Yes[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]Powered Zone Lineouts[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]2[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]RS232 Connector[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]1[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]IR Input[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]1[/size][/size][/size]
[size=13][b][size=13][b][size=13][b]IR Output[/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/size][size=13][size=13][size=13]1[/size][/size][/size]
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