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Naim Mu-So (Promo Unit) (SOLD)

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Naim Mu-So (Promo Unit) (SOLD)  Empty Naim Mu-So (Promo Unit) (SOLD)

Post by WTL_Trading Fri May 17, 2019 4:06 pm

The Mu-So is a 3-way speaker system featuring a total of six custom designed speaker drivers.Each speaker driver is independently driven by a 75W amplifier to deliver an impressive 450W of sound. This is 10 times the power you’ll find in an average soundbar.
Having a separate mid-range driver gives the Mu-So exceptional clarity and frequency separation.The cabinet is made of MDF, and then wrapped in a layer of brushed aluminium which helps to improves the cabinet’s damping.
You can control the volume of the Mu-So through the dial on top which also double as a touchscreen interface. You can also control it through the usage of the remote control or through its Naim app.
With the Mu-So, you can stream music via aptX Bluetooth, AirPlay, UPnP, Spotify Connect and thousands of internet radio stations.
The Naim supports all popular audio formats, from low-res MP3s and Spotify streams to 24-bit/192kHz WAV, FLAC and AIFF files. You get full-fat high resolution through the wired ethernet connection, while going wireless limits it to 48kHz.
The Mu-So features an advanced bass reflex system with a porting system designed to move large volumes of air with minimal turbulence resulting in a well defined, controlled bass response.
It drives all songs with a sure-footed sense of rhythm, rich detail and lashings of deep, rumbling bass. Notes stop and start with foot-tapping precision, instruments are accurately and cohesively laid out, and silences between notes have intensity.
Power Output : 450W
Dimensions : 24.7” x 4.8” x 10.1”
Weight : 28.7 lbs

Speaker Drivers: 
- 2 x woofer drivers
- 2 x mid-range drivers
- 2 x tweeters

- ⅛-inch AUX
- Optical
- Bluetooth 
- WiFi
- Ethernet

Naim Mu-So (Promo Unit) (SOLD)  60561410
Naim Mu-So (Promo Unit) (SOLD)  60335510
Naim Mu-So (Promo Unit) (SOLD)  60335210
Please contact us at 06-2861088 or 017-2095931 (Evan) for further information or to arrange a demo at our showroom situated at Taman Melaka Raya, Melaka

Mode at payment:
- COD anywhere in Malacca town area/ our showroom
- PBB or MBB for purchase made outside Malacca

Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 435
Age : 34
Location : malaysia
Registration date : 2016-06-29

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