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Rega Brio 3 Integrated Amplifier (SOLD) - Used

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Rega Brio 3 Integrated Amplifier (SOLD) - Used Empty Rega Brio 3 Integrated Amplifier (SOLD) - Used

Post by slkhu Mon Oct 21, 2019 2:39 pm

This is a Japan version green front cover panel Rega Brio 3 Integrated Amplifier operate at 110v voltage. You need a step down transformer to run this amplifier. A very good sounding amplifier. 

Player is fully functioning and item is located in Klang.
Power Output : 49 watts
Made in Japan.

Asking for Sold (neg).
Interested please sms or whatsapp 0172192662.

Rega Brio 3 Integrated Amplifier - Review.

The British-born Brio 3 boasts several improvements over the pervious model, most notably a larger transformer and improved power supply design. Output is up from 38 watts per channel to a healthier 49. It's surprisingly light—I can pick it up with one hand – but the trademark Rega clamshell case is very rigid. No remote control is supplied; if you want one, you'll have to pony up $1095 for the 60-wpc Rega Mira. On the upside, an outstanding moving magnet phono section is standard, and it's better than some standalone preamps I've heard.
In keeping with Rega tradition, the Brio 3 is a no-frills design. There are no tone or balance controls, nor is there a headphone jack. You won't find any fancy, WBT-type speaker terminals around back, either. (When you're paying workers a living wage, something's gotta give, and in this case, it's any feature that doesn't directly improve the sound quality.) Those omissions may well contribute to the overall cleanness of the Brio's sound. Right out of the box, it exhibited an uncommon clarity and relative lack of grain from the upper midbass on up.
Be forewarned: If you like your music warm and tube-like, this is not the amp for you. If, however, you're a fan of other classic British amps like the Cyrus Two and Onix OA-21S, then you'll love the Brio's lively character. The tenacious way in which it locks onto individual instruments would be remarkable enough in this price range, were it not for the fact that it does so without sounding clinical. It's almost as if the Brio knows exactly which parts of the music need the most attention—an eloquent design compromise if ever I've heard one.
While you're sacrificing a certain amount of low bass information, the tradeoff is exceptional transparency right where it counts: in human voices that sound really present, in cymbals that don't come off as sizzly or sandy, and in acoustic guitar and piano notes that are round and complete. I heard far more inner detail from the Brio 3 than I anticipated, with some expected coarseness and compression accompanying dynamically challenging passages.
Thanks for viewing. Pictures will be uploaded in due time.
Rega Brio 3 Integrated Amplifier (SOLD) - Used Img_2016
Rega Brio 3 Integrated Amplifier (SOLD) - Used Img_2017
Rega Brio 3 Integrated Amplifier (SOLD) - Used Img_2018

Last edited by slkhu on Mon Jul 06, 2020 1:11 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Sold)

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Rega Brio 3 Integrated Amplifier (SOLD) - Used Empty Re: Rega Brio 3 Integrated Amplifier (SOLD) - Used

Post by slkhu Mon Nov 18, 2019 1:42 pm


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Rega Brio 3 Integrated Amplifier (SOLD) - Used Empty Re: Rega Brio 3 Integrated Amplifier (SOLD) - Used

Post by slkhu Fri Feb 28, 2020 4:54 pm


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Rega Brio 3 Integrated Amplifier (SOLD) - Used Empty Re: Rega Brio 3 Integrated Amplifier (SOLD) - Used

Post by slkhu Thu Mar 12, 2020 1:51 pm


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Rega Brio 3 Integrated Amplifier (SOLD) - Used Empty Re: Rega Brio 3 Integrated Amplifier (SOLD) - Used

Post by slkhu Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:41 am


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