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Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables

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Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables Empty Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables

Post by sph Thu Aug 27, 2020 10:19 am

Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables D7ee3b10

Servicing for vintage idler Lenco turntables available to bring a mostly neglected vintage Lenco to a new level of performance which can rival the more expensive modern turntables. 

Most of the vintage idler drive Lenco turntables have been deprived of a proper service for many years resulting in an underperforming turntable. The main issues with the idler Lenco turntables are noisy motor, oil leaking and dry bearing, and disintegrated v-blocks. 

The vintage Lenco turntable (not the present modern Lenco) is a good turntable but with a proper service and some minor upgrades it will be able to compete against the modern turntables costing RM5k! 

I have serviced and upgraded a number of these turntables. I also have spare parts for the Lenco.

I also service Garrard 301/401 and Thorens TD124 motors. The main cause of unstable speeds in the TD124 and Garrard 301/401 is the motor and bearing.

Please PM me if you want your Lenco/Garrard/Thorens to perform at its best.

Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables 1b940710
Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables 9d6de910Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables E0dc1710
Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables B9b4a810
Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables C05c6110
Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables 27613d10
Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables A166cf10
Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables 59e73310

Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables 0c24f310

Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables 7cbcd510
Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables 1e180710
Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables C76a8c10

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Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables Empty Re: Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables

Post by intrust888@yahoo.co.uk Mon Jan 03, 2022 7:03 am

Hi, what is your phone no. It’s not listed


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Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables Empty What is your phone no

Post by intrust888@yahoo.co.uk Mon Jan 03, 2022 7:04 am

sph wrote:Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables D7ee3b10

Servicing for vintage idler Lenco turntables available to bring a mostly neglected vintage Lenco to a new level of performance which can rival the more expensive modern turntables. 

Most of the vintage idler drive Lenco turntables have been deprived of a proper service for many years resulting in an underperforming turntable. The main issues with the idler Lenco turntables are noisy motor, oil leaking and dry bearing, and disintegrated v-blocks. 

The vintage Lenco turntable (not the present modern Lenco) is a good turntable but with a proper service and some minor upgrades it will be able to compete against the modern turntables costing RM5k! 

I have serviced and upgraded a number of these turntables. I also have spare parts for the Lenco.

I also service Garrard 301/401 and Thorens TD124 motors. The main cause of unstable speeds in the TD124 and Garrard 301/401 is the motor and bearing.

Please PM me if you want your Lenco/Garrard/Thorens to perform at its best.

Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables 1b940710
Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables 9d6de910Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables E0dc1710
Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables B9b4a810
Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables C05c6110
Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables 27613d10
Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables A166cf10
Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables 59e73310

Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables 0c24f310

Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables 7cbcd510
Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables 1e180710
Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables C76a8c10


Number of posts : 95
Age : 66
Location : melaka
Registration date : 2009-03-09

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Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables Empty Re: Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables

Post by boxer Fri Jan 21, 2022 2:08 pm

Do you service LINN Sondek LP12 motor from 80s?

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Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables Empty Re: Servicing Lenco/Garrard/Thorens TD124idler turntables

Post by mfhoh Tue Aug 16, 2022 3:55 pm

Late response. The Linn motor can't be serviced!

I do have spare LP12 motor if you need a replacement.

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