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clearaudio battery mc step up phono ppa9 sold

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clearaudio battery mc step up phono ppa9 sold Empty clearaudio battery mc step up phono ppa9 sold

Post by rickyhow123 Sun Oct 25, 2020 10:24 am

for sale super quite mc phono set up used 2 pcs 9volt batt .
condition 8.5/10 no box 
contact 0193379357 ricky
rm50.00 sold

This is a very rare Clearaudio PPA-9 MC step up device with limited edition Gold Chrome faceplate. Built around a very compact chassis, this unique device uses an active circuit for 20dB of amplification with exceptionally low distortion. Traditional MC step-up transformers force the tiny voltages coming off the cartridge to run through yards and yards and yards of wire windings. The PPA-9 uses active gain boards to boost the signal instead which drastically shortens the signal path and offers excellent gain with very low distortion.
The case for an MC Step-up Most MM phono stages sound terrific, as this is where most of the development dollars have gone. In the majority of phono preamps, however, the MC section tends to use cheap transformers (or OpAmps) to simply bump up the voltage which is then fed to the Moving Magnet section for the heavy lifting. This is part of the reason why inexpensive MC cartridges have a reputation for being shrill and spitty, it's actually not the cartridge's fault, it's the cheapo MC section's fault!
The PPA-9 allows you to bypass that poor sounding MC section entirely and works with your MM phono section, adding 20dB of gain. This brings your MC cartridge up to the same voltage output as a normal MM cartridge. To put it another way, most modern MM phono sections have 40dB of gain, add the PPA-2 and you'll have 60dB of gain, which is enough for the vast majority of MC cartridges available, down to roughly 0.3mV of output.
The PPA-9 uses dual 9V batteries for gobs of ultra-quiet power and features full dual-mono construction. There are even separate power switches on the front, one for each channel. Each active circuit is encased in its own protective box within the structure and the entire circuit board is housed within a massive metal chassis. A single Phillips-head screw releases the board from the chassis for easy battery changes. Even though the gain is substantial, there's not much load on the batteries and with normal use should last for several months.

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Last edited by rickyhow123 on Mon Mar 21, 2022 1:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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clearaudio battery mc step up phono ppa9 sold Empty Re: clearaudio battery mc step up phono ppa9 sold

Post by rickyhow123 Sun Dec 27, 2020 7:01 am

rare in market collection item ..up up up happy holiday

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