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DIY Streamer with multi-rail linear PSU

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DIY Streamer with multi-rail linear PSU Empty DIY Streamer with multi-rail linear PSU

Post by Anwar Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:42 am

Dear audiophiles,

I would like to announce the arrival of locally-made high-end music streamer.  This is the results after my costly and long journey trying various methods in building DIY streamer that performs well.  The latest build uses custom audio-grade toroidal transformer from Europe.  The linear power supplies powering the motherboard and accessories are completely self-designed, including the PCB.  Mini-ITX motherboard is based on low-powered 2.0GHz Intel Pentium Silver SoC at 10W TDP.  Music playback software is Euphony Stylus (Linux-based paid software).

A sample (selected from 3 prototypes) is already with the first reviewer, and will be followed by another reviewer.  I will call it preview since it is based on prototype of the final design.  The final product will use higher grade PCB and all others remain the same.  I am keen to know where it stands against the established music streamer/server brands and models.  It also needs to be tested with various DACs with USB input. 

DIY Streamer with multi-rail linear PSU Img_5610
DIY Streamer with multi-rail linear PSU 9y1a6110
DIY Streamer with multi-rail linear PSU 9y1a6111
DIY Streamer with multi-rail linear PSU 9y1a6112
DIY Streamer with multi-rail linear PSU Img_5611

This unit is not meant to compete with top streamers in the world like Taiko Audio SGM Extreme from Netherlands (starting price at whopping RM120k before shipping and import duties included).  My goal is to offer high performance at relatively affordable price.  It outperforms my Innuos Zenith Mk2 by significant margin.  I am confident it can compete with streamers priced around RM20k or higher.

Since I already created my own blog, I will post limited pictures here.  There are a lot of pictures in my blog.  The complete journey of my digital audio playback and DIY streamers, including failures and successes, and comparison of playback software are in the blog.  I hope you enjoy reading it.


Anwar 012-4750395

Last edited by Anwar on Wed Jun 30, 2021 10:21 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : status update)
Frequent Contributor
Frequent Contributor

Number of posts : 150
Age : 59
Location : Bukit Jambul, Penang
Registration date : 2011-01-08

Character sheet
Source(s): AAMS+, Marantz SA-10, Oppo UDP-205, TW Raven Two + TW 10.5 with Benz LP-S + Triplanar VII with Quintet Black, Audio Research REF Phono 2SE
Amplification: Bent Audio silver slagleformer preamp, Bryston 10B-SUB, McIntosh MC452 for front, MC303 for center and rear
Speakers: Focal Diablo Utopia III for LCR, Focal IW 1002 Be for rear, 2 x JL Audio Fathom f113 subs

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DIY Streamer with multi-rail linear PSU Empty AA Music Streamer Progress Updates

Post by Anwar Tue Aug 17, 2021 8:43 am

Hi all,

Just to update the progress of the music streamer.  The first reviewer, Wilson Teoh, has published his review in facebook.  The same unit was slightly upgraded and is now with the second reviewer, El Hefe.  He occasionally provides updates in fb.

I have created a product page in fb for this music streamer where the links to reviews and other updates are available.  


Some of my posts have been blocked in two of the Malaysia hifi chats/talks groups in fb.  One of the posts (exactly like the original post above with pictures) was removed, reason given was "This post goes against our Community Standards on spam".  My post on "Computer Audio Playback Software Experience Sharing" and the first review were removed and later restored.  There may be 'dark forces' seeing progress made in this music streamer as a threat.

My blog continues getting regular updates with plenty of pictures.  Another entry-level model is coming.  Once ready for sale (before end of 2021), I will remove this post from DIY thread and will move it to the proper section.

Stay tuned and stay safe.

Frequent Contributor
Frequent Contributor

Number of posts : 150
Age : 59
Location : Bukit Jambul, Penang
Registration date : 2011-01-08

Character sheet
Source(s): AAMS+, Marantz SA-10, Oppo UDP-205, TW Raven Two + TW 10.5 with Benz LP-S + Triplanar VII with Quintet Black, Audio Research REF Phono 2SE
Amplification: Bent Audio silver slagleformer preamp, Bryston 10B-SUB, McIntosh MC452 for front, MC303 for center and rear
Speakers: Focal Diablo Utopia III for LCR, Focal IW 1002 Be for rear, 2 x JL Audio Fathom f113 subs

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DIY Streamer with multi-rail linear PSU Empty Re: DIY Streamer with multi-rail linear PSU

Post by showa Wed Aug 18, 2021 1:07 pm

Looking forward to the reviews

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DIY Streamer with multi-rail linear PSU Empty Re: DIY Streamer with multi-rail linear PSU

Post by DrWho Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:01 am

This is a very interesting project. Please keep us posted here. 
Thank you.
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DIY Streamer with multi-rail linear PSU Empty Re: DIY Streamer with multi-rail linear PSU

Post by Anwar Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:02 pm

Thank you so much to El Hefe for his honest review of the music streamer.

Frequent Contributor
Frequent Contributor

Number of posts : 150
Age : 59
Location : Bukit Jambul, Penang
Registration date : 2011-01-08

Character sheet
Source(s): AAMS+, Marantz SA-10, Oppo UDP-205, TW Raven Two + TW 10.5 with Benz LP-S + Triplanar VII with Quintet Black, Audio Research REF Phono 2SE
Amplification: Bent Audio silver slagleformer preamp, Bryston 10B-SUB, McIntosh MC452 for front, MC303 for center and rear
Speakers: Focal Diablo Utopia III for LCR, Focal IW 1002 Be for rear, 2 x JL Audio Fathom f113 subs

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