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ADCOM Stereo GFP-565 Preamp & GFA-555ii Power Amp, 200W/Ch. New Old stock. USA

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ADCOM Stereo GFP-565 Preamp & GFA-555ii Power Amp, 200W/Ch. New Old stock. USA Empty ADCOM Stereo GFP-565 Preamp & GFA-555ii Power Amp, 200W/Ch. New Old stock. USA

Post by actsessory Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:15 am

ADCOM Stereo GFP-565 Preamp & GFA-555ii Power Amp, 200W/Ch. New Old stock. USA

ADCOM Stereo GFP-565 Preamp & GFA-555ii Power Amp, 200W/Ch. New Old stock. USA Adcom-gfa-555ii

The ADCOM GFA-555 MkII is among the world’s greatest audio power amplifiers of all time.

Designed by the legendary Nelson Pass, whose amplifiers today sell for five figure price tags..

“I doubt there’s a better bargain for high-end amplification at this price tag. Its performance is exemplary; I haven’t heard any other amplifier surpass it today.”

ADCOM Stereo GFP-565 Preamp & GFA-555ii Power Amp, 200W/Ch. New Old stock. USA 810_2342-ad-1600

Rated 200 watts/ch into 8Ω, this 30-year old vetaran easily put out 265 watts from each channel at only 0.007% THD into 8Ω.

325 watts/ch into 4Ω
600 watts into 8Ω, bridged mono
850 watts into 4Ω, bridged mono
Able to drive 2Ω loads, rating for 850 watts at 0.09% THD into 4Ω in bridged mono.
Measured with tone bursts, it easily put out an undistorted 370 watts per channel into 8Ω.

ADCOM Stereo GFP-565 Preamp & GFA-555ii Power Amp, 200W/Ch. New Old stock. USA Ada4

“It runs cool and has less noise than any other power amplifier I’ve measured! It also makes no transformer buzz; it needs no fan and runs silently, which should be a requirement for any high-fidelity amplifier.”

Idle power drain is so low and the power supply uses such enormous capacitors, the GFA-555 II plays for a long time after turned off. The power LED stays on for 15 seconds if not playing anything.

The GFA-555 II is state-of-the-art, much better than any of ADCOM’s preamps.

Stereophile’s “Recommended Components”

ADCOM Stereo GFP-565 Preamp & GFA-555ii Power Amp, 200W/Ch. New Old stock. USA Ada2

“the ADCOM GFA-555 II amplifier is so clean, quiet, well-built and well-mannered that it’s a steal. You could easily spend over $25,000 for a new amplifier today that might not sound as good or handle as well as does this GFA-555 II. ”

“Switching to the Mk.II ‘555 revealed an even deeper soundstage—the accompanying French horn could be heard to be set further behind Mr. Minter—while the voice was more robust in its midrange tonality. ”

“while the Mk.II ‘555 presented it with what I feel to be a more natural tonal quality.”

“To sum up, I feel the GFA-555 Mk.II to be significantly more neutral as regards midrange and treble tonal quality than the Mk.I, while preserving its virtues: excellent imaging specificity, a deep, well-defined bass, and a superb sense of dynamics.”

“In our tests it was clear that the Adcom GFA-555II is a formidably powerful amplifier, much more powerful than its 200-watt rating would imply, and that under most conditions of use it has remarkably low distortion even by the standards of today’s amplifiers. ”

“Adcom GFA-555II should be effectively “bulletproof”.

ADCOM Stereo GFP-565 Preamp & GFA-555ii Power Amp, 200W/Ch. New Old stock. USA Ada6

Two gold-plated, Teflon-insulted brass RCA jacks.
Freq Response: 10Hz – 20kHz
Gain: 27dB
Input sensitivity: 1.75V
Signal to noise ratio: 110dB
Dimension: 432 x 172 x 310 mm
Weight : 16.0kg

Made in USA.

ADCOM Stereo GFP-565 Preamp & GFA-555ii Power Amp, 200W/Ch. New Old stock. USA Ada5

ADCOM Stereo GFP-565 Preamp & GFA-555ii Power Amp, 200W/Ch. New Old stock. USA Ada1

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Adcom GFP-565 stereo preamp, Reference Standard Direct-Path Preamplifier.

ADCOM Stereo GFP-565 Preamp & GFA-555ii Power Amp, 200W/Ch. New Old stock. USA Adp4

Adcom’s GFP-565, the world’s first affordable reference-class preamplifier with direct path, linear gain circuitry.

ADCOM Stereo GFP-565 Preamp & GFA-555ii Power Amp, 200W/Ch. New Old stock. USA S-l16001a

The GFP-565 was Adcom’s most expensive to date by then.

It was designed to offer more than excellent performance, their attempt to compare favorably to the most expensive state-of-art products offered by other high-end manufacturers.

ADCOM Stereo GFP-565 Preamp & GFA-555ii Power Amp, 200W/Ch. New Old stock. USA Adp3

GFP-565 is virtually identical (same chassis) to the older GFP-555 BUT 565 bears absolutely NO internal resemblance to 555, it’s NOT an updated GFP-555.

Instead Adcom put all the money into circuitry of 565, combining the works of design talent Walt Jung, and Adcom product-development director C.Vicotr Campos.

GFP-565 was designed to satisfy purists, demanding as simple signal path as possible, and in need of full-featured preamp.

ADCOM Stereo GFP-565 Preamp & GFA-555ii Power Amp, 200W/Ch. New Old stock. USA Adp2

*Direct-coupled Bypass outputs with no tone controls or filters corrupt the signal path
*Pure Class-A mode in all stages
*Mono swith – helpful for playback of the double-duration mono CDs
*Loudness Contour
*6x inputs
*3 sets of outputs
*Selected IC op-amps in the circuitry
*Separate power supply regulators for the headphone amp
*Roederstein resistors, among the finest resistors available for audio use.
*Roederstein film capacitors
*Panasonic high-precision electrolytic caps for tone control
*Premium Alps pots, same grade used by Audio Research in SP-11 II
*Class-A, ultra-low-noise phono preamplifier with high-current buffering and almost zero RIAA error, optimized for high-output MC and MM cartridges
*Highest-grade construction and parts achieving lower noise levels and signal degradation than preamps selling many times the price of GFP-565

ADCOM Stereo GFP-565 Preamp & GFA-555ii Power Amp, 200W/Ch. New Old stock. USA Adp6

“GFP-565 is a winner, a sonic bargain”

“The phono preamp is one of the very best I’ve ever heard, period. It’s by far, the quietest of any of these preamps, particularly the phono section. I’ve never encountered a quieter phono preamp. ”

“does nothing to exaggerate clicks, pops, or other forms of LP surface noise, indicating that such transients are not driving the preamp into non-linear operation or, if they are, the preamp’s recovery is virtually instantaneous.”

“The GFP-565 is an extremely accurate preamplifier.It doesnt add euphonic colorations, it tells the truth, and accuracy is, in my opinion, what high-performance audio is all about. ”

“The neutrality of the tonal balance will depend strictly on the cartridge used”
“The 565 reveals more inner detail and is far more dynamic, the soundstage was wide and extraordinarily deep.”

“The Adcom’s low frequencies via its Main outputs were fuller, weightier than via the passive unit”

“In combination with any of Adcom’s power amplifiers, the GFP-565 lets you experience the exceptionally lifelike sound which has astonished even the most demanding critics. And that’s a detail you can’t afford to overlook.”

Dimension: W432 x D289 x H76 mm
Weight : 5.0kg
Made in USA.

New Old stocks, from USA, open box by dealer changing to 240V input voltage.

Selling as 1 set only, 2 sets available.


*Credit cards accepted.
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