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True Colours Industries TCI Viper interconnect 1m (New)

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True Colours Industries TCI Viper interconnect 1m (New) Empty True Colours Industries TCI Viper interconnect 1m (New)

Post by raymond88 Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:56 pm

Item: True Colours Industries TCI Viper interconnect 1m

Condition: New

Price: RM230 nett

Contact: Raymond 012-3816611

True Colours Industries TCI Viper interconnect 1m (New) True_c10

True Colours Industries TCI Viper interconnect 1m (New) True_c11

Some info:

TCI Viper is an overall winner of the HI-Fi Choice interconnect supertest. Fitted with TCI Locking Gold RCA Phono Plugs.

TCI Viper Interconnect has a balanced twisted pair construction with a foil screen covered by a plated braided screen, all wrapped in an outer polyethylene insulation. The screen is either connected at both ends in a fully balanced configuration using XLR connectors or at one end only in a semi balanced configuration using phono or din connectors. In the semi balanced configurations the screen acts as a drain to any externally induced distortion. This avoids the sonically damaging effects on the separate signal earth wire by effectively isolating it from the induced distortion. The audible effect of connecting the drain at one end is rock solid 3D imaging. Also, by not sending the signal down the braided screen, the signal suffers none of the self induced distortion found in either coaxial cables or carelessly terminated semi balanced cables. By using carefully selected materials, Viper Interconnects attain a performance rarely found in Interconnects many times their price. TCI Viper is neutral, dynamic and detailed with excellent imaging.

Key Features and Benefits
Psuedo Balanced or Full Balanced Construction
Locking Plugs option for better connection
Twin Screen for excellent RF rejection
Low capacitance makes Viper suitable for use as a Pickup arm lead
Connector Options
TCI Locking Gold Plated RCA Phono Plug

True Colours Industries (TCI) at a glance.
They are one of the worlds best manufacturers of specialist hi-fi cables. Unlike many manufacturers, TCI do not buy in cables from the Far east but design, manufacture and distribute from the United Kingdom. They use only the best aerospace grade materials for their cables, along with the best audio connectors from companies like WBT, Neutrik and Wattgate.



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