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Audio-GD DAC 19 DSP or Any DAC (New) MO closed

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Audio-GD DAC 19 DSP or Any DAC (New) MO closed Empty Audio-GD DAC 19 DSP or Any DAC (New) MO closed

Post by kakibook Wed May 12, 2010 9:43 pm

For the Audio-gd product fans, you may have heard its popularity and the increasing acceptance overseas as good quality (at least 10 QC checks) and value for money product, I have put in a mass order (M O).

confirmed list -

1. anony - Reference 8 - RM 5400
2. anony - DAC 19 DSP - RM 2250

quote from the reviewer :

"Overall, the DAC19 has very short signal paths and doesn’t use any negative feedback whether in the filtering stage or at the output stage."

"The DAC19 uses 2 multibit PCM1704uk which are more than 10 years old now. Why would a company use that chip? Well, according to many respected audio figures, it is the best 24 bit dac chip ever produced."

"The DAC-19 uses 8 groups voltage regulators which are combined into double parallel voltage regulators to lower the internal resistance and to purify power supply. A separate Silence control circuit is powered with each regulator separately. Such power supply setup is rare in domestic designs and it inherits substantial prestige and advantages of imported high end products.”

"The DAC 19 is an all discrete design, DC coupled design. It avoids opamps and capacitors in the signal path which is very rare nowadays."

"So what is the DSP-1? It is a very powerful 250mhz Altera Cyclone chip that has a whole lot of functions including: user configurable oversampling settings (from NOS to 8x), Three-stage linear-phase (with zero group delay distortion), PLLs to reduce jitter...since the dsp-1 treats the audio signal as parallel data and not real time streams, it is supposed to be less sensitive to jitter than traditional filters such as the DF1704 and the PMD100."

Acceptable input :-
1. USB
2. Optical
3. Coaxial

Audio-GD DAC 19 DSP or Any DAC (New) MO closed Dac19_10



At the end of order, we will put up mass collection. deposit to order is RM 200. Closing date by 22 May2010.

contact : tangyauhoh@gmail.com / PM

Further comment

"I have listened to both the DSP digital filter and the DF and I can say that the difference is really BIG.

When I had the dac19mk3, I could hear quite easily the sonic characteristics of both digital filters (DF1704 and PMD100). What I came to realize is that on the dac19mk3, the digital filter was the weakest link and the analog stage, which was more transparent, kept highlighting the shortcomings of both filters.

When I listened the dac19-dsp for the first time, it was like a revelation. It combined the strengths of both digital filters (DF1704 and PMD100) and had none of their shortcomings. Overall, it was not only more realistic sounding but also had the benefit of being less sensitive to the quality of the transport.

Since it is not possible to swap the digital filters, I highly recommed to anyone considering the DAC19 to get the DSP version, especially for those who don't have a high performance transport.
In my experience the dac19 dsp from the usb input gave me a better sound than what I used to get with the Hiface+oyaide digital cable+dac19mk3 (with DF1704). For more details about the sound of the DSP filter, you can check my review here: http://new.head-fi.org/forum/thread/483899/review-of-the-audio-gd-dac19dsp-c2-amp-the-acss-connection"

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Registration date : 2009-07-19

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