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How long does it take to identify a difference in sound?

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How long does it take to identify a difference in sound? Empty How long does it take to identify a difference in sound?

Post by f8. Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:45 pm

Hi guys,

Just wanted to ask how long do you think it takes to truly identify the difference an equipment change makes in your system, and to decide if you like it or not.

For me, it takes at least a few days to weeks of listening to music over numerous albums, at different volumes, at different times of the day with different moods.

I'm talking about equipment at least mid levels up. I mean not comparing a pair of Wilson Audio WATT/Puppies to mini-compo speakers or even earphones.


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How long does it take to identify a difference in sound? Empty Re: How long does it take to identify a difference in sound?

Post by Chewkw Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:09 pm

Hi, f8
I think it should depend on how great the difference is. Minor difference will take longer time. How long does it take to identify a difference in sound? Icon_biggrin (i guess)
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How long does it take to identify a difference in sound? Empty Re: How long does it take to identify a difference in sound?

Post by hughesths Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:19 pm

If the audition is taken place in my room with my equipments and the cds I'm very familiar with, it will take few minutes to identify and have conclusions of the sound difference of an equipment makes.

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How long does it take to identify a difference in sound? Empty Re: How long does it take to identify a difference in sound?

Post by bimmerman Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:45 pm

In my system I realize a change in sound with equipment swaps, cables and accessories immediately. But to tell if it's for the better or worse takes a little longer. Maybe half an hour of intense listening, sometimes days even.
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How long does it take to identify a difference in sound? Empty Re: How long does it take to identify a difference in sound?

Post by car o scope Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:20 pm

I will be able to hear the difference if I am using my system to test new stuffs but will not be able to say it is an improvement or not straight away.
Just like bimmer mentioned, to determine it is an improvement or not I need longer listening sessions to find out if the sound is really giving a comfortable listening experience.
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How long does it take to identify a difference in sound? Empty Re: How long does it take to identify a difference in sound?

Post by f8. Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:54 pm

Good to know I'm not alone in taking quite sometime to figure out if the change is an improvement or not.

I'm thinking, in terms of sound change, eg brighter/warmer, bigger soundstage or less depth, more bass or more slam or better transients, this is all sound, which we can probably detect the change quite fast.

But in terms of what this change in sound does to the music, now this takes a longer time to settle in. Most of the time the change in sound is a compromise, ie for eg it makes rock music more enjoyable but acoustic music becomes less involving or emotional etc. This kind of judgment takes time to arrive at.

I recently read some discussion about blind tests.

I think, if we did a blind test, all we could quickly tell is how the sound has changed, but not which one is better for music. Unless the blind test continues for a few days and all participants stay blind for a few days.

Therefore, perhaps blind tests are suited for sound judgment, ie playing sound effects, but less suited for making judgment on hifi system for music enjoyment.

What do you think?


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How long does it take to identify a difference in sound? Empty Re: How long does it take to identify a difference in sound?

Post by car o scope Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:01 am

In some cases where the items that we test are new, it may also take some time to run-in the items.
Therefore, as time moves on, the sound might also improve compared to the initial listening session.
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How long does it take to identify a difference in sound? Empty Re: How long does it take to identify a difference in sound?

Post by mugenfoo Sat Jun 19, 2010 12:12 pm

... or get worse.
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How long does it take to identify a difference in sound? Empty Re: How long does it take to identify a difference in sound?

Post by htkaki Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:07 pm

Chewkw wrote:Hi, f8
I think it should depend on how great the difference is. Minor difference will take longer time. How long does it take to identify a difference in sound? Icon_biggrin (i guess)
I do agree.

If it is of huge difference, then it would be instant. If not, probably a few songs or movies to tell the difference and whether the said gear(s) compatible with existing system.
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How long does it take to identify a difference in sound? Empty Re: How long does it take to identify a difference in sound?

Post by f8. Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:05 pm

I recently bought a not too expensive DAC based on the PCM1716 (24bit/96kHz) with a zero feedback 6DJ8 tube output, using my existing Denon DCD-S1 as a transport.

Playing piano pieces, I notice a more harmonically rich piano tone which makes Yundi Li's playing of Chopin's Andante Spianato from the Grande Pollonaise even more dream-like which adds to the surreal fantasy appeal. You start appreciating what Debussy mean what he said, "Music is the silence between notes". This approach to Romantic era music has many parallels to Impressionism art, where its the reaction to the art rather than the art itself that is the foucs.

However this relative highlighting of the mids seem to make the highs and lows less strong. So, when playing Dire Straits' 6 Blade Knife, the kick drums lost a bit of that impact which previously made you tap your feet. Granted, maybe the S1's original DAC is boomy, but it was in fact a more enjoyable rendition of this kind of music. So I'm perfectly happy to trade accuracy for musical enjoyment. We don't score any points for having a highly accurate sounding system, but a musically enjoyable system makes you re-visit your music collection and brings additional value to them.

So if I asked myself, is this DAC an improvement? I'd honestly don't know. Its just different and makes you enjoy different types of music.


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How long does it take to identify a difference in sound? Empty Re: How long does it take to identify a difference in sound?

Post by samn Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:28 pm

I've changed my entire set up, initially it was sound great in hifi shop than in my own living room. I lost the bass but gain more clarity and soundstage. Surprise, surprise, I rearranged my furniture and sofa, suddenly the bass was tight, treble was sweet and midrange was just clear. It took me 2 months to arrive to this new sound.
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Speakers: Mission Volare V63

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